Hello World!

What what! Hello world 🙂 My name is Katie; I am a new blogger! Since this is my first post, I will keep it short and sweet, but I can officially say I started. First and foremost, I want to thank my beautiful and amazing friend, ‘AD’. She has been my blogging mentor and can’t thank her enough for being the guiding light to get me started. You rock, girl!
Since my “About Me” page has a little more detail about me, I will save you the details. But to sum me up, I am an educated, active, solo-traveler, who is searching for meaning and self-love through travel and adventures. My intention for this blog is to reflect on the past, present and future. I hope to use my blog as a platform to share my experiences, insight and adventures, as I go through life learning more about myself and growing, along the process.
I’d like to think I have a lot to offer, in both travel and life experiences. I hope you agree!
I am going to attempt to work out a plan of action for my blog, and hope to be posting again soon. Thank you for reading and look forward to you sharing in my “Wanderful Wondering”.