Clarity at the Beach

Clarity at the Beach

For the last month or so, I have been in a constant state of “feeling stuck”. I am sure you have experienced that endless circle before at some point in your life. Comes with being human, right? Not liking your job, wondering where to go with your life, seeking a stable relationship- you name it, we’ve all been there. Well, last weekend I was finally able to “escape” and get away to my favorite place- the beach!

The beach has always been my safe place ever since I was a little kid. My family has a beach house in Delaware, and we would spend entire summers when school was out. Now, with being”grown up”, I get here as often as I can. I typically hit the road Thursday evening after work and book it as fast as traffic will allow me to go. I get a sense of release and weight lifting off my shoulders as soon as I hit the highway.

There is something about being at the beach. The sound of the waves hitting the shoreline; the feel of sand between your toes; the smell of fresh ocean air; and the casual walk up and down the boardwalk. All of this makes me feel free and at peace. It is the greatest feeling and helps me find clarity in my life.

Sadly, Memorial Day weekend at the beach was bit of a struggle…only from the standpoint that the weather was crappy and miserable. Felt exactly like my mood! I felt like I hadn’t been in a good place in forever and hadn’t seen the sunshine in just as long. Saying I was feeling stuck was almost an understatement. It was straight up LOSING. Forget winning…there was no winning in sight and couldn’t see any in the foreseeable future. No matter what work I had put into my life in the past seemed as though none of that mattered. I kept thinking”why me?” (re: past trauma); “why not me?”; “can’t I come out winning after all this work I have done?”; “can’t I catch a break, COME ON!”

I had the pleasure of talking to AD one of the days I was stuck looking at gray, cloudy skies. While that call was not all unicorns and rainbows, it was a mini-reality check. AD is very much like me- I don’t feel stuck often, but when I do…IT’S BAD! It’s like I fall real hard, go unconscious and don’t wake up for a couple weeks. It is very difficult to see any future pathway of growth or change. Luckily, that call flicked a switch and helped me start thinking clearly again.

The next day, Mother Nature stopped crying (raining) and I had the chance to walk down to the beach. Wasn’t a day to sit on the beach, take in the surroundings and get a killer tan. I simply needed to get down to there and continue that clarity that was sparked the previous day. I sat on the beach in my windbreaker jacket and leggings and just present. Listened to the waves. Listened to the seagulls. Felt the wind in my hair and salt on my lips. It was the moment that I had been waiting for the last month. The spark grew stronger and brighter. Not sure 100% what it was, but it was definitely needed. At some point, I got up and started walking the shoreline.

Once I felt that fire, I took a little bit of action. I reached out about some jobs interests. I started brainstorming potential blog ideas and thoughts for business plans (AD knows those are my weak points!). The better attitude about life in general was back and it was a great sensation. On my walk home- after watching Hook on the boardwalk- I walked down the middle of the road with a little bit of a pep in my step that wasn’t there when I first left the house. It was the beach. The beach works miracles, at least for me.

My advice to you is to find your happy place, safe haven- and go there when you need some clarity in your life. I did! I found my clarity at the beach. “The cure for anything is salt water: sweats, tears or sea water.” – Isak Dinesen

Credit: Me and my iPhone