Top 5 Favorite Places

Top 5 Favorite Places

Since I am new at this, I am going to take the opportunity to write posts about my “Top 5 Favorite Places”. This means places I have been, explored and taken part in that cities “culture”. I will take the time to reminisce on each trip and remember the best and worst parts, as well as why they classify as one of my Top 5. It’s crazy to think that each trip holds a different, significant meaning in where I am in my life today. I will talk about things I did, food I ate and memories I made throughout that adventure. So, drum roll please….

My Top 5 Favorite Places are…

  1. Yosemite, California
  2. Charleston, South Carolina
  3. Key West, Florida
  4. Boston, Massachusetts
  5. Rapid City, South Dakota

Stay tuned for all of my posts to be linked back here. Just need time to write them. So, let me get started!