Month: June 2017

#2: Charleston, South Carolina

#2: Charleston, South Carolina

Charleston will hands down be my future home someday. While Yosemite stole the #1 spot for favorite trips, Charleston has my heart! No question about that. Oddly enough, I have only been twice, but the first time I landed, I knew I was “home”. Someday I 

#1: Yosemite, California

#1: Yosemite, California

Yosemite. Yosemite. Yosemite. To date, this is my favorite adventure. I learned so much about myself and pushed myself outside my comfort zone that even I surprised myself. It was far from a typical trip for me- I am a beach girl 110%, all the 

Top 5 Favorite Places

Top 5 Favorite Places

Since I am new at this, I am going to take the opportunity to write posts about my “Top 5 Favorite Places”. This means places I have been, explored and taken part in that cities “culture”. I will take the time to reminisce on each 

Clarity at the Beach

Clarity at the Beach

For the last month or so, I have been in a constant state of “feeling stuck”. I am sure you have experienced that endless circle before at some point in your life. Comes with being human, right? Not liking your job, wondering where to go with