Why I Love Solo Travel: It’s all about me!

Why I Love Solo Travel: It’s all about me!

It’s all about me!

Not too often do people think about themselves. I am notorious for putting others first and I take little time for myself. Self-care. What is that, anyway? I am learning more and more and solo travel has really helped me make things about me!

When you travel with others, you have to worry about what they like to do, see, eat. Everything! It has to be collective effort to plan a trip. If you travel alone, you only have yourself to think about. And ladies and gentlemen, it is GLORIOUS! You get to plan where you want to go, where you want to eat, and set your own schedule. If you wake up in the morning and don’t feel like moving yet, you don’t have to. You get to literally live your life according to YOU.

Being solo on travel, you focus on your needs and wants. Do YOU want Thai or American food? Do YOU want to go to get started with your day or lay in bed a little while longer? You can walk as fast or as slow as YOU want. You only have to make reservations for one- both at living quarters and dinner. (Pick the solo seat left at the bar- it’s the best!) You don’t have to ask for approval. And you don’t have to check in with someone else to see if they’re okay with something. You just ask yourself 🙂 You get to relax, on your own terms!

There is a lot to learn about yourself when you make a trip about you. You learn to listen to yourself. You feelings, your body, your wants and needs. You figure out what you like and what you don’t. You listen to how you feel in all moments. It is something that most people don’t take the time to do. When you take the time to make things about you, you gain confidence and reassurance that you can do whatever you set your mind to.

So, my suggestion- take a solo trip. Make it all about YOU! You won’t regret it.