Why I Love Solo Travel: Meeting, connecting & sharing with new people.

Meeting new people, making connections and sharing special moments with them.
I am not one to struggle with meeting new people. I actually pride myself in being social and outgoing. So, this favorite thing about solo travel is natural and comes to me like I was born to meet new people.
One question I get from most people is “Don’t you wish you had someone to go with and share your trips with?” I immediately think “Are you f*ing kidding me? Of course I do! Thanks for reminding me I’m single.” But instead, I choose a different response. It tends to sound more like “Sure, but I do share my trips with people. I share them with people I meet on my trips. They’ll always remember me, just like I will remember them.”
I have met people at bars, airports, taxis, standing in lines for things. You name it; I’m sure I’ve talked to someone. I have shared dessert with other solo travelers at the bar; I have gone to karaoke with complete strangers. And I’ve actually stayed in touch with a few of those people I’ve met on my trips!
Meeting and connecting with new people is exhilarating. Each encounter is new, offers different perspectives, and supplies you with information about the area you’re visiting or suggestions on where to eat. There is so much you can learn by picking your head up from your phone and talking a real human being. (Mind you, I am standing in line waiting for a GF, cheese-less pizza, with my head in my phone, blogging!)
One night at a local bar in the Key West, I chatted with an older gentleman, who chartered boats as full time job. He had lived in Key West all his life, but did serve our country in his early years and traveled then. He shared stories with me about himself and offered up things to do. He even asked if I wanted to go out on his boat the next day. While I did decline, as that’s a little suspect to agree to a stranger, but would easily charter a boat with him the next time I’m down there. Also in KW, I met two guys I beach hopped with and had dinner with before we parted ways. Lots to learn from strangers, if you simply pay attention!
On other trips, I’ve met people through Meet Up events, oddly enough, OK Cupid, and the traditional/non-technology way, talking to someone. If you just look, you’ll see lots of people to talk to, who offer a great deal of life experiences. It’s just a matter of asking or inquiring. For instance, I ended up hanging out with a group of people I met at the airport most of my trip to Savannah, and did karaoke with strangers I met eating at a restaurant bar! I actually see or occasionally talk to both groups I met.
One of my most favorite things to do is share dessert with another solo traveler I sit next to at the restaurant bar. First off, there is usually always one seat left at the bar, even if the restaurant is full of reservations. Always look to the bar, even if you don’t drink! Sharing dessert is always a good conversation starter, too. It’s easier than you think. Plus, no one can deny a yummy dessert. One time I shared a blueberry cheesecake dessert at Fig in Charleston. Come to found out, he was a photographer for a well-known food/kitchen store, that sounds like Filliam Monoma 🙂 He went onto to talk about his work and some of his trips whe had been on. Pretty neat!
Needless to say, if you take a minute to act like humans before technology came along, you can meet, connect and share more than you know. I always look forward to meeting new people on my adventures. Sure, not all are long lasting relationships, but you will always hold that moment in your memory of the people you talk and share with. Those are the moments and experiences you strive to have. Those are the memories that last forever.