Why I Love Solo Travel: Learning about myself and having the opportunity to find myself.

Learning about myself and having the opportunity to find myself.
Me. Myself. And I! That is exactly what it is when I solo-travel. Not that I’m alone or lonely, just that I have the opportunity to be with me, myself and I. Solo-travel offers me the time, space and ability to learn about myself and grow. I yearn for the chance to self-reflect and allow myself to be present in the moment with me.
As I mentioned in my Yosemite post, I was searching for something that I thought was missing and found that piece within myself. Granted, it was a small piece- but it was a start! (The podcasts and books I have been reading are resonating with me as I write this. “Happiness is within.” “Look inward to find what you are looking for.”) I think each trip gives me the chance to learn something new about Katie. Whether it is something new I like or something I despise, a new approach to a problem that has been lingering, or simply allowing myself to live in the moment- there is always something to learn, as long as you give yourself the chance.
One of the most influential things I have learned was I am able to do anything that I set my mind to, and the same goes for you! If you can set small, obtainable goals and never give up, you can succeed in anything you want. Sure, it sounds cliche, but it seems to hold true for me. I have made a lifestyle out of the 2015 year goal of “Travel”. And I continue to discover and become self-aware with each adventure.
I first caught the travel bug after going on a girls trip to the Dominican Republic. Before that trip was over, I was already planning my next adventure. What I found out was most of my friends couldn’t coordinate trips with me. Between families, no time off, or not enough funds, I found out I couldn’t wait for anyone else. So, I set my first solo trip. I was on my own. I made it a goal and pushed myself to new limits!
Before I left for Key West, my dad said some “interesting” things to me, but I was too focused on getting my trip underway. While I had moments of anxiety and utter confusion during this first trip, I managed to stay in my first hostel, explore a safe, little town alone, and managed to still be social. It’s crazy what you learn about yourself in moments of uncertainty. Unbelievable! If you simply set your mind to it, you can do it. It might not seem smooth sailing at first, but when you look back, you will see how far you’ve come.
Confidence. Reassurance. Strength. Freedom. Fearlessness. Just some of the words that describe what I have found out about myself through solo-travel. My solo adventures have been exhilarating and electrifying. What is more exciting that is that I am familiarize me with myself each and every trip. There is always something new about “Me, Myself and I”!