Travel Update! YAY!

“Guess what?” I ask my friend. He playfully rolls his eyes and says “what?”, knowing exactly what I was about to say.

“We are going to Thailand!” ?? I jump up and down in my kitchen- totally thrilled about what we accomplished the other night.

It is official. I am going to Thailand! But I am not going alone. (And I’m okay with that.) After my last post, my friend, JM, reached out and asked if he could join me. Of course I said “yes!” Not only does this put my anxiety at ease, but I also get to travel with a really good friend of mine for the first time.

JM and I have known each other for a few years now. We have “lived together” (no, we were never a couple), played kickball together, and had some fun adventures together. Over the course of knowing each other, we’ve talked about things we should do. We finally started an official list recently. Thailand was on there! He loves it from his previous trip he took, so I’m super excited to share this with him. And like I said, him coming calms me down about international travel.

I had been stalling with booking this trip, but I would have eventually grown the balls I needed to click “book”. I was very anxious about traveling to an international country alone, that far away. I’ve been to other countries but not so far away. So even though this isn’t a solo trip, it is getting my feet wet to doing some true international travel. I am beyond stoked!

JM and I will be doing a mission trip to help with Asian elephants ? ? ? We will spend a week with the elephants and additionally have some time to explore in Bangkok. I seriously can’t wait! I should really start a countdown, right JM?

As things get closer, I will update everyone. Until then, I will be spending plenty of time at the beach, working and spending plenty of time in the gym.

I’m also brainstorming some future posts. Anything you want to know/hear about, please let me know. And don’t forget to share my blog with your friends and family. Share the wealth!