My Safe Haven

As I sit here at my safe haven, I relish in my time at the beach. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here, spending some time alone and even more time with my family. It has been a much needed escape from “life”.
While I don’t see this as an escape, per say, since things aren’t that bad, I appreciate the time away. I appreciate the disconnecting I’ve done. I appreciate not being confined to an office every single day, living the mundane life of an office worker. I appreciate my family. And I appreciate being present!
The interaction with others, time alone, the chance to read and write, and the tan I’m getting – AH-mazing! It’s been a much needed break. Between reflecting, reading, blogging and napping on the beach, I have managed to more present than before. I had a mini lapse of self pity the other day but it quickly passed with an enjoyable dinner and TV night with my mom and brother.
This beach trip I started reading “You are a Badass“, despite having two or three other books pending their finished status. From what I’ve read so far, I’m enjoying it…but stuff I kind of already knew. That’s okay! BUT the chapter I’m currently reading is really resonating with my current situation. “As adults with responsibilities like bodies to care for and mortgages to pay, there’s some value in taking a side trip away from the present moment every once in a while…The more time you spend in the moment, the richer your life will be. Being present gets you out of your head and connects you to Source Energy, which raises your frequency, which attracts things of like frequency to you. And all of those high-frequency things and experiences are already here, just waiting for you to join the party, all you have to do is shut up, show up and usher them in.” (Sincero, 2013)
Oh come on, makes total sense, right? Actually, YES! The first sentence is the start of a whole paragraph that talks about how it’s okay to take a break from the present and think about the past and plan for the future. But to remember that the amount of time spent in places other than the present is ultimately a waste of time.
Even though it may seem like I am currently breaking away from the present, I feel like I am doing much of the opposite. This time away has checked me back into being present and I’m so thankful to have those moments, here, at my safe haven – the beach. Every time I come here, I have moments of clarity, uncertainty disappears and I become level again. It is the most amazing feeling!
I can’t tell you how many times I come home from a success day at the beach and smiling ear to ear. I am sure the drivers on the highway are thinking “what in the world is wrong with her?” Little do they know I am simply happy in the moment. It reminds me of my Charleston blog post, and how I would simply walk around the Battery with a smile on my face…for no reason. I was living in the moment, aware of my surroundings, and really enjoying every second. If you have ever done this, you know how I feel when I am at the beach. If you don’t know what I am talking about, I suggest you start looking for things that make you happy and live in the moment.
As I told one of our young family friends today (and her sister a couple weeks ago), “Live in the moment, be present, and don’t forget to be a kid!” Granted the two are indeed teenagers, it is important for everyone to be a kid at heart. Things like work, children, gym visits, all could get in the way of not being present. I would advise each of you to find that thing or place that makes you regain your balance and makes you yourself.
I want to share some of the astonishing images I see on a daily basis. My safe haven is the beach. It has and will always be. What is your safe haven? I would love to hear from you, just write something in the comments. I would love to know more about you. //share//