This Weekend

What are you doing this weekend? I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment!
Most of you don’t know the insides and outs of my life, so you probably don’t/won’t know what I am doing this weekend. But I will share this…
I am going on a retreat this weekend – let’s call it a “mental health retreat”. Like a mental health day? Except it’s not quite that at all. It’s not really about mental health or a time to get away, to be honest. But it is a retreat; I think that is a good name for it! I don’t want to get too much into the weeds, but I am really looking forward to it. I am going in with no expectations and honestly didn’t pack until this morning. (My biggest concern will be layers and staying warm! I am always cold :))
Items to bring: a favorite poem, clothes for activities (i.e. hiking, etc.) and MYSELF.
I would like to consider this part of my “new avenues” that I am exploring. I am looking to work on some past “happenings” (that good, AD? lol) and grow from what I learn. Growing and developing might be some new keywords in my vocabulary…at least on the front end of things, since I am always changing and always progressing/growing. I do love me some change!
Needless to say, I’m pretty thrilled. I will be in an area with no cell phone coverage, in the middle of the woods (yes, SAFE, for those who worry about me), exploring myself and personal awareness. Since I have a great opportunity to learn about myself this trip, I most likely will have some words to share after the retreat.
I wanted my Foto Fridaaay to be a picture of the State Park I am heading to, but don’t think I will have coverage once I hit the wide open spaces I am imaging. So I have posted my last day at my pool for the 2017 summer season. Sad to see summer leave, but look forward to the next adventures.