“Retreat” Follow Up 2.0

“Retreat” Follow Up 2.0

I know my ‘”Retreat” Follow Up’ post hit the internet just yesterday, but I do have a follow up to that follow up 🙂

After the “retreat” two weekends ago, I had to come back to work. Reality shock, right? Of course, no one likes to come back to work after a refreshing weekend away. Well, I had two really strange, but oddly connected things happen to me that morning. One was on the way to work, shared here, and the other once I finally got to work, shared later.

On my drive in into work, I just so happened to randomly want to listen to Hilary Scott’s family Christian album. No rhythm or reason. I am not one for Christian music; I don’t even go to church anymore. But her voice is absolutely captivating and this was the first time I was listening to all the songs, not just “Thy Will“. So, for whatever reason, I pressed shuffle. I was getting closer to work when all of a sudden this song started off with “Are you spinning in a lie that keeps on telling you that you’re not good enough?” I immediately turned that shit up! As I continued to listen, the song kept resonating with me. See some of the lyrics below.

We ain’t perfect, no
We ain’t even close
We got holes in our hearts
We got scars we don’t show
But all that baggage we keep on dragging around
Ain’t it time we start laying it down?

But don’t forget God used the misfits just like us
To do the most amazing things
So bring your faults, your flaws, your secrets
And watch Him use those broken pieces

The song was called “Beautiful Messes“. If you read my previous post, I mentioned that my stone was STRONG, but I also saw it describing me as a “BEAUTIFUL MESS“. Just as the picture shows, there are scribbles on the side of my stone. If this song wasn’t “meant to be” playing right before going into work, I don’t know what is supposed to happen in the world.

And NO JOKE, the next song was “Still“…

But sometimes I still try to take control
Cause I get scared when I can’t see the end
And all You want from me is to let go

Just crazy…If I learned something from my “retreat”, it was pay attention to the little things. The universe is truly trying to tell you things. You just need to be aware and open to what its trying to tell you.