Thailand, Here We Come!

Today, my friend, JM, and I are leaving for Thailand. When this hits my blog, we will be en route to the airport, going through TSA, and/or preparing to board our flight to Toyko > Bangkok! We will be gone for almost two weeks. We will see what Bangkok has to offer and spend a week on an elephant reserve. Exploration, voluntourism, and a whole lot of fun to be had.

If you remember from my Travel Update post, I was very hesitant about booking my flight. This is going to be my first “real” international trip. (“Real” meaning wayyy-cross the world, not just south to the Caribbean.) Thankfully, JM asked to come along and I welcomed him with open arms. As a reminder to everyone, this will be our first official travel trip together. Sure, we lived together and took a day trip to West Virginia and Winchester VA, but that doesn’t really count. Despite all the firsts, I am super excited about this trip! Elephants. Water Market. International exploration – yes please!

I have to be honest for a second. I was very anxious leading up to this trip. I think I let too many people get in my head and divert me from my past travel experiences and how I know I travel. I went out last weekend and spent too much money at a three-letter outdoorsy store on new shirts, pants and socks. I spent all weekend and the beginning of this week working myself into a panic. “I spent way too much money! Everything is too expensive. I am going to ruin this stuff. Is there anything cheaper? Those shoes really don’t work, and now I need to rush to find a replacement.” Everything was getting away from the excitement of the trip. It became a snowball effect that managed to reach astronautical levels on Monday. Once I managed to settle (and find a few cheaper things), I was able to calm down a little and focus back on the trip.

I will not be posting live from Thailand. I will schedule this week’s Foto Friday, but everything else can wait until I get back. Once I get back, I will share pictures and write everything and anything on my trip to Thailand.

Thank you for sharing in my memories and travel experiences. I hope you are having as much fun as I am. Below are a few pictures of my “pre-Thailand” adventures, between packing, shopping, and simply relaxing.

Enjoy 🙂