Blessing in Disguise

This post has been on my mind for a while. I had planned to write it around the time my blog went down. Oops! But given the fact of failed entry into my own blog, I had to put it on the back burner.

A couple months ago, I was having a pretty shitty day. At this point, I can’t even remember why or what sparked it (I’m sure I could take one guess…), but I do remember the things that followed, as I drove to my next destination, the gym. As I rode along,  I tried to think really hard about things that I was grateful for – at least ONE. Throw in some tears and some concentrated driving skills, I was finding it very hard to think of anything, of the smallest portion, that fell into that category. I kept telling myself I needed to come up with something-trying to convince myself if I did, my day would go up from there. I kept trying…and trying… Until I was walking into the gym, I rolled my eyes and said to myself “I’m grateful for my friends”.  Even though I said it in a smart ass kind of way, I do really appreciate my friends – both then and now.

As my evening went on, I continued to try to come up with things that I appreciated. Again, I was struggling to come up with anything. It’s always the hardest to come up with something when you’re really in search of it, even though you know your list goes on and on and on. I found myself in that conflict that very day. (My list is and can be endless on the brightest of days…how ironic, right?)

It wasn’t until my second volleyball game of the night, when my friend/setter rushed over with a huge smile on her face saying “Katie, I have something for you! Open it! Now!”  Inside was a homemade superhero cape (and mask) in Steelers colors, black and yellow.  On the back, there was a big K, representing Katie. I put that shit right on and wore it for the remainder of warm-ups. I did take it off, but was threatened, if we lost, I had to wear it for game 2! (I’m pretty sure we won Game 1, so I was in the clear, even though I would have worn it regardless!)

The backstory to the superhero capes: I had helped her and some other friends iron and make these for my setter’s kids’ birthday party. I had said I wanted a cape, only half joking, but knew she didn’t have any extras for the adults. Come to find out, she did!  But I never expected to receive one that following week.

Let’s just say that little act of kindness was exactly what I was looking for. And ironically, I had made a smart ass comment about being grateful for my friends just hours before. I think that was the little blessing in disguise that came at the right moment. Funny how that works! The light at the end of the tunnel. The universe saying it’s looking out for you. That little kick in the butt. Whatever you want to call it, it happened and smacked me in the face that night.

As I mentioned before, this post has been on my mind for quite some time, and I really want to take the time to mention some of the things that I’m grateful for in 2017.

  • My friends. Whether we take trips or do crafts together, I always enjoy my time spent with friends.
  • My family. That’s pretty self-explanatory!
  • My trip to Thailand.
  • All my travel this year.
  • Cuddling babies at the hospital.
  • The ebbs and flows of life.
  • My personal growth.
  • EMDR.
  • The starting of this blog!
  • The new people I have met, the new experiences I’ve had.
  • My trainers/friends and work out plans.
  • Moving in the right direction – FORWARD!

I am also grateful for each and every one who either subscribed or reads my posts whenever they go live. I appreciate you and thank you for your support!

Looking forward to 2018 and what it all has to offer me…I have a feeling it’s going to be a good year!