NYC, The City That Never Sleeps

For the second year in a row, my family and I have ventured up to New York City to do some exploring, eat good food and see the attractions of the city. We jump in my mom’s car, hit all the tolls and turnpikes, make one potty break, and eventually make it to the Big Apple. The ride tends to be pretty smooth and painless. My dad always reminisces about childhood memories, which I love hearing. You can never take back those family moments!
The biggest difference between the last two years was time frame/holiday. Last year, we went up for Thanksgiving to see the Macy’s Day parade. This year we had to pick after the major holidays (and RIGHT before the madness of New Years Eve) because of everyone’s schedule. Either way, we pretty much did the same things – saw the [in]famous Rockettes, walked around Times Square and saw all the holiday decorations around Rockefeller Center.
I feel like most of this trip was handled last minute. My mom and I only found a hotel a few days before we left. And we lucked out – a room at the W Times Square for under $300! Can’t get any better than that, especially for that weekend. We also didn’t figure out where we wanted to eat until we got into our room. I had some recommendations from my friend, WN, so we had a general idea, but it wasn’t until we looked out the window that we picked our dinner … and dessert spot!
Our room was located literally in the heart of Times Square…with all the lights, screens and traffic. We had a decent view – we could see some of the screens and up Broadway one way (opposite direction of the NYE Ball Drop). We also had a view of Junior’s. DING DING DING! And there was dinner and dessert!
Junior’s was actually recommended for dessert, for their cheesecake, but since Times Square is full of chain restaurants and tourist traps, I was skeptical of anything other than recommendations from native New Yorkers (thanks WN). So, we decided we would have dinner there. And while there was a wait, it gave my brother and I a chance to get our tickets for the Rockette’s from will call. So, we left our parents there and casually walked over to Radio City Music Hall.
We made it back right in time for our name to be called for dinner. On the walk to the table, one of waitresses stopped me to tell me I had a beautiful smile and perfect teeth. “Thanks, but you’ll have to thank my mom for the money she put in for braces,” I told her. She said, “Where is she? I will definitely tell her!” (Later on, she was actually the same waitress to bring us our milkshakes. Needless to say, she thanked my mom, lol!)
While Junior’s is known for their burgers and cheesecake, the country fried chicken is where it’s at! O-M-G! Juicy, flavorful, deliciousness on a plate. WHOA! Each of us got something different, but I’m pretty sure the table agreed that mine was the best. (Stick with me, I tend to make amazing food choices, ha!) The portions were relatively large, so as a family, we agreed that we would go back to Junior’s for dessert after the Rockette’s show. The show was at 10pm, so we had plenty of time to digest and be hungry for dessert by then!
So off to the show! Last year, despite being in line well in advance, we were let in almost 30 minutes late, missing about half of the performance. I may or may not have complained about that…and we received 4 complimentary tickets for the 2017 year. There we were…waiting to see the entire Rockette’s show, hoping for differences and change. Welp, that didn’t happen!
The show was basically the same from the previous year. It was full of talent and some of the dances were incredible. But as my mom said as we walked out, “We missed the best half last year…but we don’t need to see that again!” HAHAHA. I think seeing the Rockette’s is one of those things you have to put on your list once – like NYE in Times Square, going to Vegas and partying in Mardi Gras. But only once. Been there, done that and don’t need to see it again! (I can’t confirm or deny that I may have closed my eyes and dozed off during one of the dances…oops.)
After the semi-let down, we made our way back to Junior’s for cherry cheesecake, strawberry shortcake and chocolate mouse cheesecake. I am not a fan of cheesecake, so I can’t comment on the level of goodness. I can say this – I like my mom’s strawberry shortcake better … so, I will live in the memory of my chicken!
A little walk around Times Square and we were all ready to take a load off. Thank goodness for black-out blinds, and boy, did they work?! We all slept in until 9am…and woke up to SNOW IN NEW YORK CITY! Rapidly the snowflakes fell, while we sat from the comforts of our warm hotel room. Have to say, that was my first time in NYC during a snow storm, and it was breathtaking. But eventually we had to pack up – we were off to Philadelphia to drop my brother off at his friend’s house for NYE, while my parents and me made our way back to NoVA.
But before we hit the road, we walked around snow-covered Times Square and stood in line at Katz’s Deli for sandwiches. And it was worth the wait! Corned beef, pastrami, and pickles! Delish – I’d recommend for sure! Plus, it’s all about the experience of the lines, meat cutters and struggling to find seats. And Katz’s is a national landmark and made plenty of cooking related shows. (I could have sworn I took pictures of the sandwiches, but for the life of me, I can’t find them! Oops!)
So, with full bellies and snow still falling, we were off to Philly. We made a detour at Redding Station for doughnuts, fresh juice and more sandwiches. And with that, we parted ways from my brother and headed back down south.
I say this to you, you only need to see the Rockette’s once in your lifetime, but at the same time, enjoy the time you spend with your family. Listen to the stories your parents have, share the moments with your siblings, and take in all you can from family adventure!
PS. Can someone tell me why the famous Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree was OFF when we went?? I mean, REALLY?! WTF.