Had a bad week? Book a trip to…Belize!

Had a bad week? Book a trip to…Belize!

So, yeah, that happened! JM and I are taking another “far away” international trip together. Forget those close weekend trips him and I keep talking about. Go big or go home, right!?


To avoid doing anything irrational and potentially “stupid” (even though the situation isn’t healthy), JM and I have decided to take a trip to the beautiful country of BELIZE. Honestly, all I know is that the water is beautiful and we are going to have a f’ing blast. JM primarily did all the searching and planning and even suggested the location. Last night, while I couldn’t settle down, JM worked his magic and found some killer steals and deals. When I ended up sitting down, I couldn’t keep my eyes open. By the time I opened them, we were BOOKED! Done and done!

Thank you, JM, for being a major support system and amazing friend! You are truly a blessing that I have in my life. 

Originally the destination was going to be the Bahamas. This was suggested by my mom when I was driving us to the beach again to work on our house. I was quite irritated with a then-current situation and in a fury asked my mom to find me a place to visit. Within 6ish hours (flying or driving). Somewhere new. Warm. Of course, the beach! I started throwing out anything and everything.


Dominican Republic.

Puerto Rico (sadly out!)


Then she suggested the Bahamas. Hey, sounded amazing to me. Who doesn’t like white sandy beaches and sun…and anything to get me away from here? So, I tasked my mom finding a great for 2. She did her research and got the information to JM. He was willing to go wherever, but needed to get work approval for the leave. So in the meantime, he suggested Belize. Again, hey, sounded good to me!!

And so, it was set – after his approval from work.

Of course, I don’t have pictures yet, but check out this water (picture from here)

I am very excited and looking forward to this trip. It is one month away – thank goodness February is the shortest month. Looking forward to the sun, beach, sand and ADVENTURE this trip has to offer. Think about all the “JOY EN” this adventure.

So a shitty week turned into something amazing. Happy Friday y’all. Can’t wait to share all the details after our trip!