Mystery Solved!

I think I solved the bracelet mystery!
I was definitely meant to be an investigator 🙂
When I came into work on Friday, I had a surprise on my desk. My boss wasn’t there, so I didn’t have anyone to ask who dropped it off. On my desk sat a small bag, with a purple and white bow. There was no name, no “from”, nothing. Just a small bag with a note.
“We should always listen to the voices in our heads :)”
Inside the bag was a small box. Inside the small box was a bracelet. The bracelet was a Mantra Band, which I am oh-so familiar with, as I have two others that I wear on a daily basis.
The bracelet was engraved with a famous [travelers] quote by J.R.R. Tolkein- “Not all who wander are lost.” A quote that I am quite familiar with…
To me, this bracelet isn’t just a bracelet. To me, it represents more than just a gift. It is a blessing at exactly the right time. Let’s just say that I have been struggling with a few things for a little while (okay, okay, a long while). To the point where I have lost myself and I don’t feel myself anymore. In other words… I am lost, hopeless, dark…
But this bracelet provided me with the strength and direction to realize that I am wandering along the path that was set for ME. And this wanderful wondering path is absolutely necessary. And it’s OKAY! I may not have the end goal in sight or the “RIGHT” direction figured out yet, but I know I need to follow the “voices in my own head”. My mind, heart and body are all telling me the same thing. And it’s time to listen!
This act of kindness couldn’t have come at a more opportune time. And while it took me 24 hours to put the pieces together, I think I solved the bracelet mystery.
So, this post is specifically for the person who left me this much needed reassurance that helps me realize that while I FEEL lost, I am truly on the RIGHT path!So, without further ado…from the deepest part of my heart…
While I don’t share names on my blog, JE knows who she is! 😉