Caye Caulker, Belize

Caye Caulker, Belize

As I sit here and try to write about Belize, I’m struggling to find the words to describe this adventure. Words and pictures just can’t do it justice. But I’ll do my best…

Vivid blues. Bold greens. Vibrant pinks and purples. Striking sunrises and sunsets…and moon rises!!!

Belize was definitely one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen so far. It didn’t hurt that I spent 98% of the time in a bikini and sandals ❤

After my first ‘first class’ experience, bumpy cab ride and captivating water taxi cruise, we landed on the beautiful island of Caye Caulker. I was simply awestruck by the color of the water – crystal clear blue and shades of teal. All I wanted to do was jump off the boat and float in water.


As soon as we jumped onto land, I could tell that Caye Caulker was small, which meant water would never be too far from eyesight. Another thing I noticed was no cars – only pedestrians, bikes and the occasional golf cart. Pretty amazing when you come a very populated and high trafficked area. I was anxious to explore and get to the beach.

As JM and I searched for our hotel, he spotted a fresh juice stand. And thank goodness we stopped; we met a couple from Texas who quickly became our Belizean lifesavers. They basically help formulate our trip by sharing the bests and the must sees of the island. JM and I ended up spending a great deal of time with them – their company was most welcomed.

Never again will I wait to try street food. Never again will I wait to eat anything and everything I set my eyes on! There was no reason why we waited so long. If only I could go back and start eating from the day we got there. But either way, NO REGRETS!

Needless to say, Belize (Caye Caulker specifically) was an absolute heaven-sent trip. It was booked at the right time, PERFECT time on leaving (right before a crazy storm hit the east coast) and just overall INCREDIBLE! I hope to return someday and thinking about taking my family for Christmas. Bikinis, sun and beach during winter – who doesn’t want that? 🙂

If I missed something or you are interested in something specific, please don’t hesitate to comment and reach out! I would love to share more about my trip with you. 



I am trying something new here. I limited the upload of pictures this time, but am sharing more on [CLICK HERE —> Google Photos here Caye Caulker Belize (Blog) <— CLICK HERE]. The link should be public- hope it works! Enjoy more pictures from my trip!