
I this on 6/21/18, a day before my 32nd birthday. So technically I labeled it “30+2…tomorrow!” 😂
As I watch the ants crawl around me, seagulls fly above me, and I take in whiffs of fresh sea air and fresh cut pine, I reflect on another year passed and another year approaching. (Mind you, I wrote this from a rock on the Shore Trail on Deer Isle, Maine!)
I can’t even! Another year…another chapter. This year I haven’t found myself to be anxious or overwhelmed about my birthday, like in years past. 30 and 31 were kind of a struggle. To my benefit, I’ve been traveling the last week and have been focusing on anything but real life! 🎉
I was damn sure that I was doing what I love the most on my birthday this year and wasn’t traveling home or actually back in Virginia. No thank you!
In terms of last year, I did some amazing things! I took care of elephants at an elephant sanctuary for a week. I traveled to Belize (a first) and conquered a minor fear of water – I went snorkeling for the first time! I vacationed with my family to Ireland, where we got in touch with some of our Irish roots. I maintained a good job and a loving home for myself. I took some time to focus on me, and only me, and provided myself with some major self care. I even installed my first floor with my mom (look for a post soon)! I’ve learned a lot about myself, loved life and built some lifelong friendships along the way. I couldn’t have had a more successful year.
I have a great deal to be proud of as I wrap up my 30+1 year. And I think I finally am proud of myself. I think I am in a much different place this birthday and thankful to be where I am. I’m also grateful for my close friends and family, who have encouraged me throughout this journey called “LIFE”.
I can’t be sure what this year will bring my way, but my years can only get better I’m looking forward to change and more development I can’t wait to take on new growth and challenges. This year, I’m opening up myself to new and even more amazing encounters.
Chees to many more birthdays and even more amazing memories and adventures. Hope you enjoy my upcoming posts – I’ve got a lot coming your way. To wish me Happy Birthday, share my blog with a friend or family member! Give them a gift of wanderful wonderings (and adventures)!
With love,