Somerville, Massachusetts

I’ve been to Boston before and was excited to return. Little did I realize my childhood/high school friend lived in a suburb of Boston, called Somerville – not actually Boston. I was excited either way!
Of course, like the rest of my trip, I didn’t have much of a plan. I didn’t even research anything about this city. I was hopeful my friend would lead me in the right direction. And she didn’t lead me astray!
My first day around Somerville I was left to my own means, because my friend had to work. But I made the best of my time by just getting out on the town and exploring. I soon found out that Somerville is the home of Harvard University! With my bagel sandwich in hand (Bagelsaurus, recommended by my friend), I was off to walk the campus of Harvard.
The campus was lovely and sat right in the middle of “downtown” where there was plenty to do. Shops, food, parks! I found myself even walking into some classroom buildings. Do I get to put Harvard on my resume now that I’ve been?? 😏 Even if it doesn’t work like that (which I know it doesn’t), the adventure around the university and downtown area filled most of my morning and mid-afternoon with excitement.
Around lunchtime, I think my lack of sleep and too much “go-go-go” was catching up with me. So, you want to know what I did? I took a nap in the middle of some huge, grassy park! Oh, it was marvelous! I woke up refreshed and surprisingly surrounded by kids playing soccer. Hahaha, thankfully I wasn’t awoken by getting hit. I don’t know the name of the park, but you can’t miss it when you leave the Harvard campus. It was directly across the street. It was pretty for lounging, having a picnic, playing games or simply taking a nap and reading. My day was shaping up to be a perfect day!
After a casual stroll back to my friend’s house, it was decided I would pick her up from work. So I made my way into South Boston to visit Castle Island, which was close to her office and another suggestions of hers, to wait for her day to be over.
When I looked Castle Island up, it showed a beach, an old fort and a running path around the perimeter. Come to find out, the fort was closed; the wind was relentless, so laying out wasn’t an option; and I wasn’t in the mood to run. Instead I just walked the perimeter of the park and journaled from a lifeguard stand until it was time for me to go. The time spent writing down my thoughts was much needed – it was coming the time I needed to word vomit over some paper before I went bananas. Again, I left really refreshed and excited to catch up with my friend!
Do you have those life-long friends, you haven’t seen in ages, but when you see them, you start back where you left off? That’s me and L. Her and I have known each other since like 3rd grade, went to the same high school and went to the beach every summer together. We lost touch after high school and kind of went our separate ways. I saw her dad a while back, and I made every effort to find her on Instagram. Luckily, I found her and we were able to rekindle our friendship. So, when I arrived, it was just like the old days and hadn’t missed a beat! It was amazing to stay up late, reminisce on the old days, and laugh harder than I have in forever. Such a great time!
On my second day in town, L had the day off, so we had already planned to go whale watching. With another bagel sandwich in hand and subway ride underway, we made it to the Boston Aquarium to set sail. I had prepared as best as possible for the cold ocean air, but there weren’t enough layers to kick that chill.
I’ve never been whale watching before, but I was hopeful to see at least one whale. We got fair more than what I wished for! We saw three humpback whales, one unidentified species of whale, basking sharks and a school of dolphins. According to the staff, it was the BEST day out they’ve seen in a while. L and I couldn’t have had a better first time experience!!!
As I write this, I realize all my good footage of the ocean life is in video form. If you are interested in seeing my whale and dolphin videos, please message me and I will send them via email.
I only had one other thing on my to do list while in Boston – to find my favorite food truck. The Cookie Monstah!!!! Fresh, homemade cookies and ice cream! Omg – it’s the best. Best enough to want at my wedding, whenever that is! We jumped off the boat, warmed up in the aquarium (free admission with the whale watching ticket), and headed to the get dessert. Forget having no lunch! Best decision of my life ❤
The rest of my time in Somerville was spent catching up with L and remembering the younger years. We brought out our school year books, looked at so many pictures and brought up any story we could remember. I’m so grateful for getting to spend time with an old friend and starting right where we left off. Can’t wait to visit her again soon- which it will be. And she believes that I could get used to the New England winters…I don’t know about that, but I may be willing to try! Maybe there is a move to NE in my future. Who knows! 🤷🏼♀️ But I walk away thoroughly enjoying my time and not wanting to go onto my trip to Cape Cod.
Highlights of Somerville:
- Cute, walk-able city, super close to Boston
- Harvard University is at the heart of the town
- Had some amazing food spots (and tons more to explore)
- My friend lives there!
Stay tuned for the journey to the overrated Cape Cod – South Yarmouth. Happy adventuring!