Local Adventure: National Zoo

Last weekend I was supposed to hiking and “finding myself” in the middle of the woods, but due to the impending hurricane, my “retreat” got canceled. Darn you, hurricane! But on the flip side, though, I had an open weekend to do something…anything. So what did I do?
I visited the National Zoo! 🐼🦁🐵🐯
I hadn’t been in quite a while, so I thought it would be a good little adventure to take. I hopped on the metro and made my way down to Woodley Park. It was a beautiful afternoon, with a tad hint of humidity. You can tell Fall is setting in around here…so sad!
The zoo was pretty poppin’, with both humans and animals. I was surprised to see as many animals out as I did. I could spend hours just watching them eat, sleep or graze around their “homes”. I think I spent the most time watching the orangutans and…THE PANDAS! ❤️
Oh my goodness, pandas are the bestest, greatest animals ever. They were always my “animal of choice” when I had to do a project growing up. They are just fascinating…and look so cuddle-worthy!
On this faithful Saturday, I was in luck! All three pandas were out and about. They were eating bamboo, licking their fruit popsicles, and lounging. Lucky animals! I read every little piece of information in that panda exhibit. Now only to find a way to hold one…hmmm! 🤔
After “LIONS, TIGERS and BEARS (oh my)”, I decided to treat myself to a restaurant I had never been to before. I picked an “Asian-fusion/Middle Eastern” joint right off the Cleveland Park metro stop. It was called Dolan Uyghur. And ladies and gents, it was delicious!
I basically let the waitress pick my main course, while I added on some bread pocket thing and a chicken kabob. I couldn’t even tell you want it was called or what I ordered. All I know is there were noodles, some vegetables and a punchbag of spice. YUM YUM YUM!
On my metro ride back home, I had a while to reflect on my adventure. And I think it was then I realized I’m starting to out of that darkness and seeing some light! I’m finding the JOY in the little things and ENJOYING life again. It was a breath of fresh air…and I am going to do everything in my power to keep that feeling going!
Things to consider:
- The zoo is a great place to take children, visitors or simply go by yourself.
- It is FREE! (Parking is not, but I suggest taking the metro.)