Local Adventure: Mother+Daughter Blast from the Past (Anthem Theater)

26 years ago, my mom took me to my first concert!
The year was 1992…I was 6 years old and I was set to see the “one and only” Alison Krauss. Her and Union Station were on their way to releasing their second album and winning their second Grammy Award. And here I was, bright-eyed and chipper waiting to see my favorite singer/band at the ripe old age of 6! I remember the experience like it was yesterday. Granted, I always think they performed at the “Red Cross Building”, when in fact we went to the “Reston Community Center”. That was just a minor detail to me, though. After the show, I had the pleasure of meeting THE Alison Krauss and some of Union Station. Can you believe it?! ME, 6 YEAR OLD, ME! I even got her autograph. Dream come true!
I wish I could find pictures of me and Alison Krauss, but this is all I got 🙂 Autographed t-shirt that I still own.
Now, in 2018, I am reliving a childhood memory with my mom!
I was the one taking my mom to the Alison Krauss Concert this time. The experience was surreal. I lucked out on phenomenal tickets at a “new” venue in Washington DC called The Anthem. Neither of us had been before, so it was a shared new experience. The venue was AWESOME! Indoor spot, with great acoustics and cute surroundings. Plus, the Anthem is perfectly positioned in the middle of the Wharf…which used to be a crap-shoot of a place. But it has undergone significant changes to be one hoppin’ hangout spot! Might even be my new “go-to” spot – YES PLEASE!
But by god, was Alison Krauss AH-MAZ-ING?
I told AD I was going, and her exact response was “Prepare to be dazzled!” And O-M-G, that’s putting it lightly. Alison Krauss’s voice was by far the closest thing to perfection for me. Her range and style were like nothing I have ever heard before. I might have even teared up during a song or two…but don’t count on it, since you didn’t see it 😉 I was very pleased with seeing her in concert again, after all these years. And to experience this with my mom, again, was one for the books. I wouldn’t mind seeing Alison Krauss and Union Station again in the very near future!
After the concert, my mom and I took a quick stroll around the Wharf. Along the way to finding the parking garage, we walked passed Milk Bar [ice cream]! I have had my eye on this place for a while, so I figured why not? Plus, I started my day off with Sugar Shack doughnuts, in honor of National Cheeseburger Day, so why not finish it with Milk Bar ice cream?
Let’s just say it wasn’t a cheat day, but I only live once!
Things to Consider:
- The Wharf is a SUPER cool hang-out spot.
- Anthem might be my new favorite music venue.
- Alison Krauss is by far one of the most talented singers EVER – go see her, if you get the chance.