Local Adventure: Steven Udvar-Hazy Center (Air & Space)

To infinity and beyond!
In honor the famous Buzz Lightyear, if you haven’t been to the Air & Space Museums, you better blast off and get moving! Like myself, I’m sure most everyone has been to the one in Washington DC. But I personally had never been to the museum out in Chantilly, VA. While this adventure didn’t technically take place in DC, it’s still worth sharing!
My friend was in town and I felt the need to be a proper tourist, so we did the “DC thing”. This particular weekend was not really out of the ordinary, though – protest and some kind of marathon. Thankfully, we headed in the opposite direction to initially explore.
The Steven Udvar-Hazy Center (or as I also call Air & Space 2) was absolutely spellbinding! A warehouse full of different sizes, colors, and model air crafts. I have never seen anything like it! And it was much better than the outdated museum in DC. Whoa. Wow. Ah-mazing!
I will be honest, the museum was OVERLY visually stimulating. Can’t say that I walk away knowing what any of the air crafts were called, other than the Discovery Space Shuttle. Everything else is a loss on me 🙂 Still, it was very interesting and would recommend the exploration to anyone who hasn’t been before or who is visiting the DMV area.
Last but not least, the observation tower! In the far distance, you could see Dulles International Airport and in the other the Blue Ridge Mountains. Sadly, it was a cloudy afternoon when we went, but we could still got the feel of the overlook. Quite the view!
Things to Consider:
- The actual museum is free, but parking costs $15.
- This might be one of the best museums in the area!
- You can be a Space Ranger, just like Buzz Lightyear.