Local Adventure: Stanley Cup Champs & Pizza

Let’s Go Capitals!
With my time in DC ticking away and a hockey-fanatic friend in town a couple weeks ago, what better to do, then go to a Washington Capitals’ Hockey game?
Because my friend has his finger on the hockey-pulse, he knew ahead of time that the Caps were playing at home when he was in town. That particular weekend, he came into town to install home-made barn doors into my condo. So, when he asked if I wanted to go, it didn’t make much to convince me to go. Heck, I would never turn down a fun DC adventure!
Before the game, we hit a local pizza spot my brother raves about – Timber Pizza. It was good, but then again, I think all pizza tastes the same! Haha.
After full bellies, we were off to the game. I remember being a little concerned about being in a cold rink, after being splashed by a passing car…plus, the pouring down rain! Quite miserable at the beginning. But I learned more about hockey than I knew before. Nothing wrong with a little learning, all while having a lot of fun!
Plus, the Capitals WON 4 to 3 in a shoot-out! Super intense!
While my adventures will continue, my local DC adventures are coming to an end. Not forever, but they will be limited to when I am back in town visiting.
You can take the girl away from DMV but you can’t take DMV out of the girl! #foreverNoVA