Tag: blog

The Knows about Caye Caulker

The Knows about Caye Caulker

Since I tried to keep my other post about Belize short (er) than normal, I’m trying something a little different with this trip. I am going to share MY “knows” of Caye Caulker Belize. What does that mean? That means I am going to share 

Caye Caulker, Belize

Caye Caulker, Belize

As I sit here and try to write about Belize, I’m struggling to find the words to describe this adventure. Words and pictures just can’t do it justice. But I’ll do my best… Vivid blues. Bold greens. Vibrant pinks and purples. Striking sunrises and sunsets…and 

Under Construction

Under Construction

Thanks for your patience. My blog has recently been “under construction” the last few weeks-ish! AD has been helping (aka. doing all the work) to transfer the domain name and get me more file space. So thankful for her skills and friendship- she seriously is 

Matt’s Fish Camp, Bethany Beach DE

Matt’s Fish Camp, Bethany Beach DE

My first food post – yay! Have you ever danced (in your seat) through an entire meal? Or couldn’t sit still because you’re wiggling from head to toe because of the deliciously goodness on your plate? What about saying “Hmmm” “ahhh” and “yummm” after every