Tag: cheers

30 plus 1

30 plus 1

Happy birthday, self? I am currently two days into another year of my “life resume”. Yes, I am 30+1…31. And yet again, I struggled with having another birthday. I thought it was supposed to be just the 5 and 10 birthdays. I remember having a 

Foto Fridaaay: Love & Risk

Foto Fridaaay: Love & Risk

“Foto Fridaaay!” is making its debut, here on my blog! Inspiration at it’s finest! Similar to “Wordless Wednesday”,  I will be posting one photo (or more) of something that I saw, experienced, touched, or simply just caught my attention throughout the week. Cheers and Happy 

#3 Key West, Florida

Key West was my first solo-travel adventure. It was January 2015…and I had no true idea what I was doing or what I was looking for. I just knew I wanted to travel. I had caught the bug- the travel bug- and it got me