Tag: connection

The Knows about Caye Caulker

The Knows about Caye Caulker

Since I tried to keep my other post about Belize short (er) than normal, I’m trying something a little different with this trip. I am going to share MY “knows” of Caye Caulker Belize. What does that mean? That means I am going to share 

I’m Backkk…and Thailand was GREAT!

Long flights. Bangkok. Surin. Elephants. Dirty feet. New friends. Successful trip! After 24 hours of travel and a great trip to Thailand, I am back in the states…and sleeping in my own bed. I immediately used my electric toothbrush and threw my laundry in for 

Be An Outsider

Be An Outsider

This is ‘”Retreat” Follow Up 3.0’, but I am not calling it that. I figured I needed to mix up the titles of my posts and make sure people were paying attention…and not getting bored 🙂 You aren’t getting bored…right? Leave me a comment and 

“Retreat” Follow Up 2.0

“Retreat” Follow Up 2.0

I know my ‘”Retreat” Follow Up’ post hit the internet just yesterday, but I do have a follow up to that follow up 🙂 After the “retreat” two weekends ago, I had to come back to work. Reality shock, right? Of course, no one likes