Tag: excited

When One Door Closes, Another One Opens

When One Door Closes, Another One Opens

It’s been about a month since I started my long, short-term “vacation”. First, I can’t believe it has been THAT long. But at the same time, it seems like no time has passed at all. I originally thought I would be posting once a week, 

“Retreat” 2018

“Retreat” 2018

Update, prior to posting: the retreat has been canceled! I am keeping this post, though. I didn’t change anything – this post is an authentic, original post. I will use the free time to reconnect in a different way. The last line of my post really 

Peace ✌🏼- Belize Bound!

Peace ✌🏼- Belize Bound!

Today is the day – we are off to Belize! And I am beyond ecstatic. I feel like the me I know is coming back. Doesn’t hurt that I’m rocking sandals and shorts, either! (Yay for beach life!) The next few days I’ll be offline, 

Surin, Thailand: Elephants

The moment you’ve all been waiting for… ELEPHANTS! Even though I have my [other] favorite pictures towards the bottom of this post, I can’t wait to share my ALL-TIME favorites of the entire trip. They encapsulate the beauty of me and my experience  – love 

Travel Update! YAY!

“Guess what?” I ask my friend. He playfully rolls his eyes and says “what?”, knowing exactly what I was about to say. “We are going to Thailand!” ?? I jump up and down in my kitchen- totally thrilled about what we accomplished the other night. 

Sometimes Life Get In The Way

Sometimes Life Get In The Way

Hi friends! Sorry I haven’t posted anything recently – sometimes life gets in the way 🙂 Some of you I talk to on a daily basis. Some I connect with only at work or on social media (Instagram and LinkedIn; yes, that’s all I have).