Tag: experience

1-Week After A 6-Year Journey

1-Week After A 6-Year Journey

I love that my jeans appear to be crooked  One a week ago today, I followed in the footsteps of this quote. “Today, I close the door to the past. Open a door to the future. Take a deep breath, step through, and start a 

Bar Harbor, Maine

Bar Harbor, Maine

“Baa-Ha-Ba” they say.  Or for those non-New Englanders, it’s “Bar Harbor”. The main attraction of my entire New England adventure. It wound up to be everything everyone said it would be. The downtown area was as cute as can be. Acadia National Park was captivating. 

The Knows about Caye Caulker

The Knows about Caye Caulker

Since I tried to keep my other post about Belize short (er) than normal, I’m trying something a little different with this trip. I am going to share MY “knows” of Caye Caulker Belize. What does that mean? That means I am going to share 



en·joy /inˈjoi,enˈjoi/ verb 1. take delight or pleasure in (an activity or occasion). 2. possess and benefit from. After some deep thought and discussion with AD, I determined my “2018 Word”. ENJOY! The thought process behind this word was ‘I hope to “find JOY EN 

Surin, Thailand: Elephants

The moment you’ve all been waiting for… ELEPHANTS! Even though I have my [other] favorite pictures towards the bottom of this post, I can’t wait to share my ALL-TIME favorites of the entire trip. They encapsulate the beauty of me and my experience  – love 

Surin, Thailand: Life on the Project

Hello Surin! Eventually, after all the traveling, JM and I made it to Surin! We arrived late in the afternoon with our other two volunteer friends – both girls from Germany, 18 and 19 respectively (L & K). When we arrived, we were greeted by 

I’m Backkk…and Thailand was GREAT!

Long flights. Bangkok. Surin. Elephants. Dirty feet. New friends. Successful trip! After 24 hours of travel and a great trip to Thailand, I am back in the states…and sleeping in my own bed. I immediately used my electric toothbrush and threw my laundry in for