Tag: flight

You Couldn’t Just Be Easy, Ireland!

You Couldn’t Just Be Easy, Ireland!

[I wrote this from the airplane, last Wednesday!] I should have known this trip wasn’t going to be easy – hahahaha! With the ups and downs of the last couple weeks leading up to our flight, I should have picked up on what investigators call 

The Family is Ireland Bound!

The Family is Ireland Bound!

*Ireland Bound* And we’re off! Four family members, all packed and ready to go. It’s been a roller coaster ride to get this far, but we are doing it. We are Ireland bound. So exciting! Levels of frustration and anxiety hit an all time high 

Thailand, Here We Come!

Today, my friend, JM, and I are leaving for Thailand. When this hits my blog, we will be en route to the airport, going through TSA, and/or preparing to board our flight to Toyko > Bangkok! We will be gone for almost two weeks. We will