Tag: friend

The Knows about Caye Caulker

The Knows about Caye Caulker

Since I tried to keep my other post about Belize short (er) than normal, I’m trying something a little different with this trip. I am going to share MY “knows” of Caye Caulker Belize. What does that mean? That means I am going to share 

Caye Caulker, Belize

Caye Caulker, Belize

As I sit here and try to write about Belize, I’m struggling to find the words to describe this adventure. Words and pictures just can’t do it justice. But I’ll do my best… Vivid blues. Bold greens. Vibrant pinks and purples. Striking sunrises and sunsets…and 

Northeastern States, Here I come!

Northeastern States, Here I come!

Yet another trip is in the works! June. 2018. Northeastern States – MA, CT, NH, VT, ME.  This was all sparked when I received an invitation to a friend’s wedding in Cape Cod, mid-June. A week after the wedding is my birthday. I know 30+2 

Blessing in Disguise

This post has been on my mind for a while. I had planned to write it around the time my blog went down. Oops! But given the fact of failed entry into my own blog, I had to put it on the back burner. A couple 

Surin, Thailand: Life on the Project

Hello Surin! Eventually, after all the traveling, JM and I made it to Surin! We arrived late in the afternoon with our other two volunteer friends – both girls from Germany, 18 and 19 respectively (L & K). When we arrived, we were greeted by 

Bangkok, Thailand

(Update: it took me two nights to get through Stranger Things and a week to get through this post. Guess which one kept my focus a little more than the other ?. I’ve also managed to watch the entire 1st season of Mindhunter. I apologize