Tag: hello

It’s Been a While!

It’s Been a While!

Well, hello everyone! I hate having to write posts like this because it means I haven’t been very active with something I absolutely love doing. But it’s a good way to get my juices and creativity flowing again. (I have 3-4 blog drafts already, just 

Hello 2018!

Let me be the first to wish you a Happy New Year! Goodbye 2017, Hello 2018. Cheers to what the new year has in store for each of us. Looking forward to some new and amazing adventures this year – and can’t wait to share 

Be An Outsider

Be An Outsider

This is ‘”Retreat” Follow Up 3.0’, but I am not calling it that. I figured I needed to mix up the titles of my posts and make sure people were paying attention…and not getting bored 🙂 You aren’t getting bored…right? Leave me a comment and