Tag: inspiration

1-Week After A 6-Year Journey

1-Week After A 6-Year Journey

I love that my jeans appear to be crooked  One a week ago today, I followed in the footsteps of this quote. “Today, I close the door to the past. Open a door to the future. Take a deep breath, step through, and start a 

“Retreat” 2018

“Retreat” 2018

Update, prior to posting: the retreat has been canceled! I am keeping this post, though. I didn’t change anything – this post is an authentic, original post. I will use the free time to reconnect in a different way. The last line of my post really 

Bar Harbor, Maine

Bar Harbor, Maine

“Baa-Ha-Ba” they say.  Or for those non-New Englanders, it’s “Bar Harbor”. The main attraction of my entire New England adventure. It wound up to be everything everyone said it would be. The downtown area was as cute as can be. Acadia National Park was captivating. 

South Yarmouth, Massachusetts (Cape Cod)

South Yarmouth, Massachusetts (Cape Cod)

“South Yahmouth”…at the Cape.  The only reason I came back to the Cape was for a childhood friend’s wedding. Otherwise, I’ve been once and don’t really need to go back. I personally think Cape Cod is overrated. Butttt the wedding was lovely and I had 

My New England Coastal Adventure

My New England Coastal Adventure

I’m backkkk!  I’ve only been home from my latest trip for a little over a week and I am still swooning over the experience. New England presents such a different atmosphere, captivating landscapes, never seen before sunrises and sunsets, and of course, the people…lordy! New 



I  this on 6/21/18, a day before my 32nd birthday. So technically I labeled it “30+2…tomorrow!” 😂 As I watch the ants crawl around me, seagulls fly above me, and I take in whiffs of fresh sea air and fresh cut pine, I reflect on