Tag: life

Inside Out

Inside Out

In my “#Winning? #Losing?” post, I mentioned the Pixar movie “Inside Out”. Since then, I have thrown myself into happiness podcasts, a self-help workbook and started The Untethered Soul. And there seems to be a common theme among the three- everything starts from the inside 

Foto Fridaaay: Love & Risk

Foto Fridaaay: Love & Risk

“Foto Fridaaay!” is making its debut, here on my blog! Inspiration at it’s finest! Similar to “Wordless Wednesday”,  I will be posting one photo (or more) of something that I saw, experienced, touched, or simply just caught my attention throughout the week. Cheers and Happy 

Words of Wisdom Wednesday

Words of Wisdom Wednesday

Going forward, I am going to share something inspirational with you every Wednesday! I will call it “Words of Wisdom Wednesday”. It will just be a quote or a few words, without any feedback or insight. Just something I feel that is powerful and might 

#Winning? #Losing?

#Winning? #Losing?

Do you ever feel like you’re always losing, while everyone else around you is winning? I know I know, you’re not supposed to compare yourself to others, but that shit happens. You can’t live your life under a rock, with no personal interaction, no connection 

#3 Key West, Florida

Key West was my first solo-travel adventure. It was January 2015…and I had no true idea what I was doing or what I was looking for. I just knew I wanted to travel. I had caught the bug- the travel bug- and it got me 

#2: Charleston, South Carolina

#2: Charleston, South Carolina

Charleston will hands down be my future home someday. While Yosemite stole the #1 spot for favorite trips, Charleston has my heart! No question about that. Oddly enough, I have only been twice, but the first time I landed, I knew I was “home”. Someday I 

#1: Yosemite, California

#1: Yosemite, California

Yosemite. Yosemite. Yosemite. To date, this is my favorite adventure. I learned so much about myself and pushed myself outside my comfort zone that even I surprised myself. It was far from a typical trip for me- I am a beach girl 110%, all the 

Top 5 Favorite Places

Top 5 Favorite Places

Since I am new at this, I am going to take the opportunity to write posts about my “Top 5 Favorite Places”. This means places I have been, explored and taken part in that cities “culture”. I will take the time to reminisce on each 

Clarity at the Beach

Clarity at the Beach

For the last month or so, I have been in a constant state of “feeling stuck”. I am sure you have experienced that endless circle before at some point in your life. Comes with being human, right? Not liking your job, wondering where to go with 

Hello World!

Hello World!

What what! Hello world 🙂 My name is Katie; I am a new blogger! Since this is my first post, I will keep it short and sweet, but I can officially say I started.  First and foremost, I want to thank my beautiful and amazing