Tag: live

It’s Been a While!

It’s Been a While!

Well, hello everyone! I hate having to write posts like this because it means I haven’t been very active with something I absolutely love doing. But it’s a good way to get my juices and creativity flowing again. (I have 3-4 blog drafts already, just 

Blessing in Disguise

This post has been on my mind for a while. I had planned to write it around the time my blog went down. Oops! But given the fact of failed entry into my own blog, I had to put it on the back burner. A couple 

Cleveland, Ohio

Cleveland, Ohio

Cleveland Bound. Home of the Cavilers, LeBron James, the Browns and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame! After a scare-filled and roller coaster riding evening, we got a good’s night sleep and we were off the next morning. We managed to get an early 

I’m Backkk…and Thailand was GREAT!

Long flights. Bangkok. Surin. Elephants. Dirty feet. New friends. Successful trip! After 24 hours of travel and a great trip to Thailand, I am back in the states…and sleeping in my own bed. I immediately used my electric toothbrush and threw my laundry in for 

#1: Yosemite, California

#1: Yosemite, California

Yosemite. Yosemite. Yosemite. To date, this is my favorite adventure. I learned so much about myself and pushed myself outside my comfort zone that even I surprised myself. It was far from a typical trip for me- I am a beach girl 110%, all the