Tag: massachusetts

Somerville, Massachusetts

Somerville, Massachusetts

I’ve been to Boston before and was excited to return. Little did I realize my childhood/high school friend lived in a suburb of Boston, called Somerville – not actually Boston. I was excited either way! Of course, like the rest of my trip, I didn’t 

My New England Coastal Adventure

My New England Coastal Adventure

I’m backkkk!  I’ve only been home from my latest trip for a little over a week and I am still swooning over the experience. New England presents such a different atmosphere, captivating landscapes, never seen before sunrises and sunsets, and of course, the people…lordy! New 

Northeastern States, Here I come!

Northeastern States, Here I come!

Yet another trip is in the works! June. 2018. Northeastern States – MA, CT, NH, VT, ME.  This was all sparked when I received an invitation to a friend’s wedding in Cape Cod, mid-June. A week after the wedding is my birthday. I know 30+2 

#4 Boston, Massachusetts

#4 Boston, Massachusetts

Boston! Boston! Boston! When I think of Boston, there are a few words that immediately come to mind: History, Hostel, Lawn on D and Baseball. This historical city makes my top 3 of places I would leave the NoVA area to live (behind Charleston and 

Top 5 Favorite Places

Top 5 Favorite Places

Since I am new at this, I am going to take the opportunity to write posts about my “Top 5 Favorite Places”. This means places I have been, explored and taken part in that cities “culture”. I will take the time to reminisce on each