Tag: meaning

Ireland, Dingle Peninsula + Pubs

Ireland, Dingle Peninsula + Pubs

Apologies in the day gap – I feel asleep writing this one the other night. Next on the agenda – Dingle! Think someone exclaimed “you said what?” when I said we went to Dingle 😂 The name was part of a number of running jokes 

Ireland, “Wow, So Pretty!”

Ireland, “Wow, So Pretty!”

1,459 km (907 miles) later. 755 pictures, just on my phone. Every shade of green. And lots and lots of family time! We did it – we successful made it through our Ireland family vacation! We covered some major distance, ate good food – found 

Peace ✌🏼- Belize Bound!

Peace ✌🏼- Belize Bound!

Today is the day – we are off to Belize! And I am beyond ecstatic. I feel like the me I know is coming back. Doesn’t hurt that I’m rocking sandals and shorts, either! (Yay for beach life!) The next few days I’ll be offline, 

Mystery Solved!

Mystery Solved!

I think I solved the bracelet mystery! I was definitely meant to be an investigator 🙂 When I came into work on Friday, I had a surprise on my desk. My boss wasn’t there, so I didn’t have anyone to ask who dropped it off. 

I See Change Coming

I See Change Coming

As the new year begins, I wanted to let you know about some changes coming with my blog. Nothing too big, just adding little variety to the mix. It’s been a little over six months since I started and never see anything wrong with a 

Wintery Wonder…Charleston?

Wintery Wonder…Charleston?

Charleston + SNOW = UNTHINKABLE! But it happened… “Something’s not quite right.” The THEME of my trip. Unlike last year, I planned well in advance for my New Years trip this year and knew exactly where I wanted to be. Charleston…Fig…Beach…good food and good company.