Tag: Memories

South Yarmouth, Massachusetts (Cape Cod)

South Yarmouth, Massachusetts (Cape Cod)

“South Yahmouth”…at the Cape.  The only reason I came back to the Cape was for a childhood friend’s wedding. Otherwise, I’ve been once and don’t really need to go back. I personally think Cape Cod is overrated. Butttt the wedding was lovely and I had 



I  this on 6/21/18, a day before my 32nd birthday. So technically I labeled it “30+2…tomorrow!” 😂 As I watch the ants crawl around me, seagulls fly above me, and I take in whiffs of fresh sea air and fresh cut pine, I reflect on 

The Family is Ireland Bound!

The Family is Ireland Bound!

*Ireland Bound* And we’re off! Four family members, all packed and ready to go. It’s been a roller coaster ride to get this far, but we are doing it. We are Ireland bound. So exciting! Levels of frustration and anxiety hit an all time high 

Caye Caulker, Belize

Caye Caulker, Belize

As I sit here and try to write about Belize, I’m struggling to find the words to describe this adventure. Words and pictures just can’t do it justice. But I’ll do my best… Vivid blues. Bold greens. Vibrant pinks and purples. Striking sunrises and sunsets…and 

#5: Rapid City, South Dakota

It’s been a while, so I feel a little rusty. But once I start writing about this trip, it will be easy to get back into the swing of things. I will start reminiscing and remembering exactly why I solo-travel…and how much I love the 

Why I Love Solo Travel: Meeting, connecting & sharing with new people.

Why I Love Solo Travel: Meeting, connecting & sharing with new people.

Meeting new people, making connections and sharing special moments with them. I am not one to struggle with meeting new people. I actually pride myself in being social and outgoing. So, this favorite thing about solo travel is natural and comes to me like I