Tag: myself



I  this on 6/21/18, a day before my 32nd birthday. So technically I labeled it “30+2…tomorrow!” 😂 As I watch the ants crawl around me, seagulls fly above me, and I take in whiffs of fresh sea air and fresh cut pine, I reflect on 

Ireland, “Wow, So Pretty!”

Ireland, “Wow, So Pretty!”

1,459 km (907 miles) later. 755 pictures, just on my phone. Every shade of green. And lots and lots of family time! We did it – we successful made it through our Ireland family vacation! We covered some major distance, ate good food – found 

The Knows about Caye Caulker

The Knows about Caye Caulker

Since I tried to keep my other post about Belize short (er) than normal, I’m trying something a little different with this trip. I am going to share MY “knows” of Caye Caulker Belize. What does that mean? That means I am going to share 

Peace ✌🏼- Belize Bound!

Peace ✌🏼- Belize Bound!

Today is the day – we are off to Belize! And I am beyond ecstatic. I feel like the me I know is coming back. Doesn’t hurt that I’m rocking sandals and shorts, either! (Yay for beach life!) The next few days I’ll be offline, 

Mystery Solved!

Mystery Solved!

I think I solved the bracelet mystery! I was definitely meant to be an investigator 🙂 When I came into work on Friday, I had a surprise on my desk. My boss wasn’t there, so I didn’t have anyone to ask who dropped it off. 

Had a bad week? Book a trip to…Belize!

Had a bad week? Book a trip to…Belize!

So, yeah, that happened! JM and I are taking another “far away” international trip together. Forget those close weekend trips him and I keep talking about. Go big or go home, right!? RIGHT!! To avoid doing anything irrational and potentially “stupid” (even though the situation 

I See Change Coming

I See Change Coming

As the new year begins, I wanted to let you know about some changes coming with my blog. Nothing too big, just adding little variety to the mix. It’s been a little over six months since I started and never see anything wrong with a