Tag: patient

When One Door Closes, Another One Opens

When One Door Closes, Another One Opens

It’s been about a month since I started my long, short-term “vacation”. First, I can’t believe it has been THAT long. But at the same time, it seems like no time has passed at all. I originally thought I would be posting once a week, 

Under Construction

Under Construction

Thanks for your patience. My blog has recently been “under construction” the last few weeks-ish! AD has been helping (aka. doing all the work) to transfer the domain name and get me more file space. So thankful for her skills and friendship- she seriously is 

Surin, Thailand: Extras

Are you on Thailand overload yet? I think I may be- especially with the number of breakout posts! Since the previous entries didn’t mention everything about my trip, I wanted to take the time to share some of the extras that made my experience that