Tag: relaxing

“Retreat” 2018

“Retreat” 2018

Update, prior to posting: the retreat has been canceled! I am keeping this post, though. I didn’t change anything – this post is an authentic, original post. I will use the free time to reconnect in a different way. The last line of my post really 

Hampton Beach, New Hampshire

Hampton Beach, New Hampshire

Before going to the state of New Hampshire, I couldn’t say that I had high hopes of anything special or even cool in the small state. But after staying in Hampton Beach, I realize it wasn’t too bad. It kind of reminds me Ocean City, 

The Family is Ireland Bound!

The Family is Ireland Bound!

*Ireland Bound* And we’re off! Four family members, all packed and ready to go. It’s been a roller coaster ride to get this far, but we are doing it. We are Ireland bound. So exciting! Levels of frustration and anxiety hit an all time high