Tag: searching

30 plus 1

30 plus 1

Happy birthday, self? I am currently two days into another year of my “life resume”. Yes, I am 30+1…31. And yet again, I struggled with having another birthday. I thought it was supposed to be just the 5 and 10 birthdays. I remember having a 

Inside Out

Inside Out

In my “#Winning? #Losing?” post, I mentioned the Pixar movie “Inside Out”. Since then, I have thrown myself into happiness podcasts, a self-help workbook and started The Untethered Soul. And there seems to be a common theme among the three- everything starts from the inside 

Foto Fridaaay: Love & Risk

Foto Fridaaay: Love & Risk

“Foto Fridaaay!” is making its debut, here on my blog! Inspiration at it’s finest! Similar to “Wordless Wednesday”,  I will be posting one photo (or more) of something that I saw, experienced, touched, or simply just caught my attention throughout the week. Cheers and Happy 

Words of Wisdom Wednesday

Words of Wisdom Wednesday

Going forward, I am going to share something inspirational with you every Wednesday! I will call it “Words of Wisdom Wednesday”. It will just be a quote or a few words, without any feedback or insight. Just something I feel that is powerful and might 

#Winning? #Losing?

#Winning? #Losing?

Do you ever feel like you’re always losing, while everyone else around you is winning? I know I know, you’re not supposed to compare yourself to others, but that shit happens. You can’t live your life under a rock, with no personal interaction, no connection 

#3 Key West, Florida

Key West was my first solo-travel adventure. It was January 2015…and I had no true idea what I was doing or what I was looking for. I just knew I wanted to travel. I had caught the bug- the travel bug- and it got me 

#2: Charleston, South Carolina

#2: Charleston, South Carolina

Charleston will hands down be my future home someday. While Yosemite stole the #1 spot for favorite trips, Charleston has my heart! No question about that. Oddly enough, I have only been twice, but the first time I landed, I knew I was “home”. Someday I 

#1: Yosemite, California

#1: Yosemite, California

Yosemite. Yosemite. Yosemite. To date, this is my favorite adventure. I learned so much about myself and pushed myself outside my comfort zone that even I surprised myself. It was far from a typical trip for me- I am a beach girl 110%, all the