Tag: solo

Northeastern States, Here I come!

Northeastern States, Here I come!

Yet another trip is in the works! June. 2018. Northeastern States – MA, CT, NH, VT, ME.  This was all sparked when I received an invitation to a friend’s wedding in Cape Cod, mid-June. A week after the wedding is my birthday. I know 30+2 

Wintery Wonder…Charleston?

Wintery Wonder…Charleston?

Charleston + SNOW = UNTHINKABLE! But it happened… “Something’s not quite right.” The THEME of my trip. Unlike last year, I planned well in advance for my New Years trip this year and knew exactly where I wanted to be. Charleston…Fig…Beach…good food and good company. 

Hello 2018!

Let me be the first to wish you a Happy New Year! Goodbye 2017, Hello 2018. Cheers to what the new year has in store for each of us. Looking forward to some new and amazing adventures this year – and can’t wait to share 

Blessing in Disguise

This post has been on my mind for a while. I had planned to write it around the time my blog went down. Oops! But given the fact of failed entry into my own blog, I had to put it on the back burner. A couple 

Travel Strong : Ending with NYC & Charleston

Happy Holidays to you and your family! Since the hustle and bustle (and pressure) of the holidays are basically over, I have some time to sit down and write a little about what’s been on my mind. I am currently sitting with my brother watching 

Surin, Thailand: Extras

Are you on Thailand overload yet? I think I may be- especially with the number of breakout posts! Since the previous entries didn’t mention everything about my trip, I wanted to take the time to share some of the extras that made my experience that 

Surin, Thailand: Elephants

The moment you’ve all been waiting for… ELEPHANTS! Even though I have my [other] favorite pictures towards the bottom of this post, I can’t wait to share my ALL-TIME favorites of the entire trip. They encapsulate the beauty of me and my experience  – love