Tag: together

South Yarmouth, Massachusetts (Cape Cod)

South Yarmouth, Massachusetts (Cape Cod)

“South Yahmouth”…at the Cape.  The only reason I came back to the Cape was for a childhood friend’s wedding. Otherwise, I’ve been once and don’t really need to go back. I personally think Cape Cod is overrated. Butttt the wedding was lovely and I had 

Ireland, “Wow, So Pretty!”

Ireland, “Wow, So Pretty!”

1,459 km (907 miles) later. 755 pictures, just on my phone. Every shade of green. And lots and lots of family time! We did it – we successful made it through our Ireland family vacation! We covered some major distance, ate good food – found 

The Family is Ireland Bound!

The Family is Ireland Bound!

*Ireland Bound* And we’re off! Four family members, all packed and ready to go. It’s been a roller coaster ride to get this far, but we are doing it. We are Ireland bound. So exciting! Levels of frustration and anxiety hit an all time high