Tag: welcome

Calling Florida “New Home”

Calling Florida “New Home”

Excuse the blurry Florida Welcome sign! Tough to get a clear picture, going 70 mph, on I95 in rainy and cloudy weather!  Hello Florida! Please be nice to me.  Along with a new job, I also will be calling a new state home for a 

Surin, Thailand: Life on the Project

Hello Surin! Eventually, after all the traveling, JM and I made it to Surin! We arrived late in the afternoon with our other two volunteer friends – both girls from Germany, 18 and 19 respectively (L & K). When we arrived, we were greeted by 

Be An Outsider

Be An Outsider

This is ‘”Retreat” Follow Up 3.0’, but I am not calling it that. I figured I needed to mix up the titles of my posts and make sure people were paying attention…and not getting bored 🙂 You aren’t getting bored…right? Leave me a comment and